Anna Maria Maugeri
Anna Maria Maugeri is full Professor of Criminal Law and coordinator of the Law PhD School in the Department of Law (UniCT). She was member of: a restricted expert group on Improving Mutual Recognition of freezing and confiscation orders, EU Brussels 2015; three Study Commissions of the Italian Ministry of Justice 2013/7; member of the Working group n. 15 Mafia and Europe for Stati Generali della lotta alla Criminalità organizzata 2016/8; consultant of the “Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into the Mafia” (Resolution 8/5/2007). Moreover, she is member of the teaching staff of the Higher School of Magistracy; the Siracusa International Institute, as well as the Scientific and Editorial Board of various Italian and European journals. She took part in many national and international projects, also as a coordinator.

Giovanni Grasso
Full Professor of Criminal Law and European Criminal Law at the University of Catania. Previously Italian judge, he is lawyer, President of the Centre for European Criminal Law and member of the Scientific Council of the Siracusa International Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Rights, author of many scientific publications. During his career he covered prestigious roles, among which those of Member of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina and of the Human Rights Chamber for Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Rosaria Sicurella
Since 1997 barrister in Catania and external expert for European Commission in several studies related to EU integration issues. Since 2005 Professor in Criminal Law, EU Criminal Law and International Criminal Law. Member of several professional bodies and research groups. Leader of the research project «Preparing the environment for the EPPO: Fostering mutual trust by improving existing common legal heritage and enhancing common legal understanding», coordinated by University of Catania. rsicurella@lex.unict.it

Grazia Maria Vagliasindi
Grazia Maria Vagliasindi is associate professor of criminal law at University of Catania, Italy. She holds a Master in EU and Italian Environmental Law and a PhD in Italian and Comparative Criminal Law. Her teaching experience includes criminal law and environmental law. She participated in many local, national and international research projects. Her research interests encompass various topics of criminal law, including environmental criminal law, EU criminal law and comparative criminal law.

Valeria Scalia
Valeria Scalia is an Associate Professor of Criminal Law at the Department of Law of the University of Catania. Her area of scientific interest covers, in particular, the relationship between the protection of fundamental rights and criminal law and corruption, as a white-collar crime, in a European, international and comparative perspective, including in its intersections with organized crime. Valeria has participated in several national and international research projects and has carried out several research stays abroad. Valeria is a member of the International Association of Criminal Law, the Italian Association of Professors of Criminal Law and the European Criminal Law Center in Catania.

Vincenzo Mario Tigano

Annalisa Lucifora
Since 2020 Annalisa Lucifora is Researcher in Criminal Law at the University of Catania. She is Former InterTalentum – Marie Curie Fellow on Labour Exploitation of Irregular Migrants at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. She was member of several studies on EU Criminal Law, environmental criminal law, and trafficking in human beings. In 2012 she obtained an International Ph.D. in “EU Criminal Policies”, and in 2009 a Master II Recherche in “Sciences Criminels”. Since 2010 she is Barrister. alucifora@lex.unict.it

Amalia Orsina
Since 2019 researcher in criminal law at the University of Catania. She holds the Diploma of the “Scuola Superiore di Catania” (Higher Education Center for students of excellence), PhD and Label of Doctor Europaeus in criminal law as well as post-doctoral DAAD scholarship. She carried out several research stays abroad (in the UK and in Germany) both as visiting PhD student and as post-doctoral researcher. Her research interests encompass various topics of criminal law and economic criminal law, including corporate criminal liability, criminal protection of human health in environmental, health and safety at work and food safety matters. Since 2014 she is barrister in Catania.

Pietro Insolera
Pietro Insolera (b. 1987) is Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Catania. He holds a Ph.D. in criminal law at the School of European and Comparative Legal Studies in the University of Trento. His research is focused on european and comparative criminal law, in particular with regard to constitutional limitations on criminal punishment and related case-law. He has published articles in several law journals. He is a criminal defence lawyer, qualified at the Italian Bar since 2014, practicing mostly in Bologna.

Federico Carmelo La Vattiata
Federico Carmelo La Vattiata is a Research Fellow in Criminal Law at the UniCT Department of Law. He holds a doctorate in Comparative and European Legal Studies (specialisation: Criminal Law and Procedure and Philosophy of Law), obtained at the University of Trento in November 2022, defending a thesis on the criminal liability for crimes of harm depending on AIs in the EU and in the USA. The following are his research interests: (a) law, science, and technology; (b) European, international, and comparative criminal law; and (c) white-collar crime.

Ugo Santoro
Ugo Santoro is a Ph.D. student in Law at the University of Catania, where he is conducting research on criminal law protection of cultural heritage. He attended the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, from which he graduated in October 2018, discussing a thesis on Criminal Law entitled “The principle of legality in criminal matters, between legislative law and judicial law”. Since January 2022 he has been a qualified lawyer, enrolled in the Catania Bar Association. E-mail: ugo.santoro@phd.unict.it

Gaspare Stallone
Gaspare Stallone (b. 1993) is a Ph. D. Student in Criminal Law at the University of Catania. His research is focused on the retroactivity of the most lenient criminal law in the European multilevel constitutionalism system. In 2016 he graduated obtaining his J.D. in Law full grades cum laude from the University of Bologna, discussing a final dissertation on Italian criminal law, titled “Criminal organizations and white collar crimes”. He is a lawyer and he practices criminal law mainly in Bologna.

Marta Giuca
Marta Giuca earned a Ph. D. in Criminal Law from the University of Catania in October 2022, with a thesis on Artificial Intelligence and Criminal Liability. She is a lawyer, and was visiting researcher at the Max Plank Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law of Freiburg and at the University Paris-1, Panthéon-Sorbonne (2021). In the years 2015-2016 she served an internship at the Court of Milan; she graduated from the University of Pavia in 2014 and from the Institute for Advanced Studies (IUSS) of Pavia in 2015. marta.giuca@unict.it

Marco Mazzullo
Marco Mazzullo was born on 6 October 1994 in Catania. He attended the Faculty of Law of the University of Catania, where he obtained his J.D. cum laude discuting a final dissertation on European criminal law on the financing of terrorism (supervisor: Prof. Giovanni Grasso). From February 2019 to August 2020, he did an internship at the Public Prosecutor’s Office at the Court of Catania (supervisor: Prosecutor Agata Santonicito). In November 2021 he obtained the II level University Master’s Degree in Environmental Law and Land Management with a thesis on the criminal protection of the environment (supervisor: Prof. Grazia Maria Vagliasindi). In October 2023 he passed the bar exam. Since November 2021 he has been a PhD researcher in Criminal Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Catania, where he is conducting research on corporate criminal liability, particularly in environmental matters.

Sandra Maria Benedetta Picicuto
(b. 1993) is a Ph.D. student in Criminal Law at the University of Catania, where her research focuses on corporate criminal liability. In 2021 she spent a semester in the USA as a Fulbright visiting researcher. In 2017 she graduated in Law at Bocconi University in Milan, where she also trained as a lawyer and passed the Italian Bar exam. She has recently been appointed as an Italian Magistrate, after serving for a while as a police officer.

Anna Poidomani
Anna Poidomani was born on 23 December 1997 in Catania. She attended the Faculty of Law of the University of Catania, where she obtained her J.D. cum laude discussing a final dissertation on European criminal law. From April 2022 to October 2023, she did an internship at the Court of Catania (supervisor: Judge Stefano Montoneri). In May 2024 she passed the bar exam. Since October 2022 she has been a PhD researcher in Criminal Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Catania.

Geraldina Ester Di Natali
Geraldina Ester Di Natali (b. 1998) is a PhD student in Criminal Law at the University of Catania with a research project in International Criminal Law. In March 2022 she graduated summa cum laude at the Law Department of University of Trento discussing a thesis on purposes of punishment in International Criminal Law. She participated in an internship program at the Office of the Guarantor of the Rights of Persons Deprived of their Liberty of the Autonomous Province of Trento. In May 2022 she started her activity as a research fellow in Criminal Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Trento (UNI4JUSTICE project), focusing on the analysis of the hermeneutic approaches of the Italian Corte di Cassazione about crimes against property. From July 2022 to January 2024, she was placed at the Tribunale di Sorveglianza di Trento as a trainee: she’s been specializing in Penitentiary Law, mainly dealing with alternative sanctions.

Charissa Volponi
Charissa Volponi was born on 08/05/1997 in Alatri (FR). After graduating from high school, in May 2022 she obtained her degree in Law cum laude at the University of Roma Tre with a thesis in Criminal Law entitled “The constitutional profiles of the legislation against illegal immigration”; the research was supported by a semester of activity during an internship in a law firm specialisingin criminal law and civil and immigration law. She completed her professional training for access to the legal profession in a law firm specialising in criminal, environmental and economic criminal law and was admitted to the bar by the Court of Appeal of Rome in May 2024. She is currently a PhD student in Criminal Law at the University of Catania, where she is conducting research on the over-criminalisation of the foreign national offender and the tendency of modern Western legal states to manage migration flows with measures related to crime.

Paolo Prestianni
Paolo Prestianni was born in Catania on June 17, 1996. Graduated in 2015 at Liceo Classico “Mario Cutelli” in Catania with the highest grade, he graduated in Law (LMG/01) in the academic year 2019/20 with grades 110/110 cum laude at the Department of the University of Catania, with a thesis on Constitutional Justice entitled “European Constitutional Justice? Reflections on Union jurisprudence in the matter of the independence of the judge and the protection of the rule of law: the Poland case” (rapporteur: Prof. Giancarlo A. Ferro). On September 10, 2020, he begins his internship activity ex art. 73 D.L. 69/2013 at the Corte d’Assise d’Appello of Catania and at the same time, starting from 15 September 2020, also carries out forensic training at the AvvocaturaDistrettuale dello Stato of Catania. As of 1 August 2023 he is a PhD student in Law (XXXIX cycle) at the University of Catania, curriculum of Criminal Law, conducting a research over the topic of Neurosciences...

Ernesto U. Savona
Ernesto U. Savona, Director of Transcrime from 1994 until today. Professor of Criminology at Università Cattolica of Milan and University of Palermo. Previously: Professor at Università degli Studi di Trento and at University of Rome La Sapienza. Member of the Criminological Council at the Council of Europe and consultant to the United Nations, the European Union and various national governments. Visiting scholar at the Yale Law School, Oxford (Wolfson College) and Cambridge.

Michele Riccardi
Michele Riccardi is Deputy Director and Senior Researcher at Transcrime and Adjunct Professor of Financial and Business information analysis at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and of Risk Assessment Methods at the University of Palermo. His research focuses mainly on organised crime, money laundering, financial crime. He holds a PhD in Criminology, a MSc in Accounting and Financial Economics (with Distinction) at the University of Essex (UK) and a MA in International Relations (Cum Laude) at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italy).

Alberto Aziani
Alberto Aziani is Assistant Professor at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan and Researcher at Transcrime. He holds a PhD in Criminology, a MSc in Economics and Social Sciences, and a bachelor’s in business administration and management. His main research interests are Transnational Crimes, Organized Crime, Illicit Markets, and Illicit Financial Flows. On these topics, he has conducted studies and developed projects for international organizations and funding institutions.

Marina Mancuso
Marina Mancuso is researcher at Transcrime and Adjunct Professor at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. She graduated with the International PhD in Criminology at Università Cattolica in 2014 and she received an Honours master’s degree in Applied Social Sciences, specialising in Crime and Security from the same University in 2009. Her main research interests are illicit markets (e.g., firearms, tobacco, human smuggling, and human trafficking), the systematized collection and analysis of open sources and social network analysis.

Matteo Anastasio
Matteo Anastasio is a Ph.D. candidate in Criminology at the Catholic University of the Sacred Hearth in Milan and researcher at Transcrime. He graduated with honours in law from the University of Pisa, benefiting from a prestigious full government-funded scholarship. He holds a second level master’s degree in law from the Sant’Anna School of Advanced studies. His research interests include transnational crime, organised crime, criminal law and criminal justice, the violation and the evasion of international targeted sanctions.

Chiara Turturo
Chiara Turturo is officer at Transcrime since 2007. She completed her master’s degree in Humanities at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan and graduated in translation at Scuola per Mediatori Linguistici in Vicenza. Her main activities in Transcrime include support to education activities coordinated by Transcrime, project management, general management of the center.

Przemysław Szymański
Przemysław Szymański is Chief Expert in the Division of European and International Criminal Law at the Ministry of Justice. Specialises in European and international law, in the field of cyber crime and cyber security. Member of the European Union working groups and Polish delegation responsible for negotiations in the United Nations Ad Hoc Committee to Elaborate a Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes.

Daniel Łoniewski
Daniel Łoniewski is a postgraduate at the National School of Judiciary and Public Prosecution in Krakow. Head of the Division of European and International Criminal Law at the Ministry of Justice. Specializing in the European Union and the Council of Europe law. The member of the working parties of the European Union and the committees of the Council of Europe dealing with the criminal law. In addition, a member of the Polish delegation to the OECD Working Group on Bribery in International Business Transactions.

Rafał Kierzynka
Rafał Kierzynka (born 1967), Ph.D.: Polish judge seconded to the Ministry of Justice in Warsaw. Specializing in the European Union and the Council of Europe law. The steady lecturer of the Polish National School of Judiciary and Public Prosecution. The member of the working parties of the European Union and the committees of the Council of Europe dealing with the criminal law. Author of numerous publications in Polish and English.

Robert van der Ende
Robert van der Ende has worked for the Dutch Public Prosecution Service since 1999. There he held various positions in the Netherlands and the Netherlands Antilles (Curacao). Since 2011, Robert has been working at the National Office for Serious Fraud, Environmental Crime and Asset Confiscation: first as an legal assistant to the public prosecutor and from 2022 as an international adviser. In that capacity, he advises on international criminal law matters relating to confiscation.

Janne Lise
Janne Lise works as an legal adviser on international criminal law at the Public Prosecution Service, National Office for Serious Fraud, Environmental Crime and Confiscation, and the Judicial Asset Recovery Office in The Netherlands. She is specialized in international and European judicial cooperation on asset recovery, freezing of assets and confiscation.

Marta Holgado Madruga
Marta Holgado Madruga is a Senior Prosecutor since 2000, currently working at International Cooperation Unit in General Prosecutor’s Office. Throughout her professional career she has specialized in protection of victims, violence against women and international cooperation.

Francisco Jiménez-Villarejo
In 1990 he was Public Prosecutor in Sevilla. In 2001 he was Delegated International Cooperation and Anticorruption Prosecutor. In 2005 he was elected as Member of the High Public Prosecutor´s. In 2012 he was appointed National Member of Spain at Eurojust. In 2022 he was appointed as Supreme Court Prosecutor and Head of the International Cooperation Unit at the General Prosecutor’s Office. He participated in cooperation and training programs supported by the UE.

José Miguel Compañy Catalá
He is Senior Spanish Public Prosecutor currently working in Madrid as Deputy to the Supreme Court Prosecutor on International Cooperation. He has a Ph.D. on Criminal law and he is specialized in International Cooperation, Human Rights and Safety at work place. He speaks Spanish, Catalan and English and he reads and understands French.

Elena Agüero Ramón-Llin
Public Prosecutor since 1998, currently working at the International Cooperation Unit within Spanish Spanish General Prosecution Office. Dealing with recognition and execution of EU recognition tools and MLRs, including freezing and confiscation certificates on the basis of Regulation (EU) 2018/1805. Additional experience on personal data protection, protection of victims´s rights and civil compensation. In 2201, I was seconded by Spain as Senior Adviser on prosecution at the European Union Advisory Mission in Ukraine.

Martin Heger
Martin Heger (b. 1968) has been Professor of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, European Criminal Law and Legal History at the Humboldt University Berlin since 2005. He studied law in Tübingen, completed his doctorate in 2002 and his habilitation in 2005. In 2018-20, he was the Dean of the Faculty of Law, since then he has been its Vice Dean for Research. In 2016, he was involved as a legal expert in the implementation of the requirements of Directive 2014/42/EU on confiscation into German law.

Anna Sakellaraki
Anna Sakellaraki graduated legal studies at the National and Kapodistrias University of Athens (Greece) and postgraduate legal studies „German and European Law and Legal Practice“ at the Humboldt University of Berlin (with Master of Laws (LL.M.) title). Qualified lawyer and member of the Athens Bar Association. She is currently doctoral candidate at the Humboldt University of Berlin under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Martin Heger and research fellow at the DFG-Graduate College „Dynamic Integration” (DynamInt).

Alis SCUTARU-ȘANDRU is an experienced former criminal lawyer who transitioned into working as an inspector of tracing and administration of seized assets within ANABI. With a focus on managing movable assets valued over 15,000 euro, Alis engages in activities such as early sales of seized movable assets and participation in auctions for the sale of assets. She also provides assistance in enforcing seizure and confiscation orders, utilizing best practices in asset administration and recovery, and participates in meetings of regional and international organizations and bodies in the field of asset management and recovery of seized/confiscated assets. alis.scutaru@just.ro

Ancuta Ionela Marc
Ancuta Ionela MARC is a Specialist Asset Recovery within National Agency for the Management of Seized Assets (Asset Recovery Office), Ministry of Justice, Romania, with 2+ years in tracing and identification of proceeds from, and other property related to crime that could be subject to freezing, seizure or confiscation orders issued by a competent judicial authority during criminal proceedings, including post-conviction phase. She graduated Police Academy and served 10+ years as a Law enforcement officer. ancuta.marc@just.ro

Eduard Gabriel LEVAI
Eduard – Gabriel LEVAI is a judge with 7 years of experience in magistracy. He worked as a civil law judge in Courts from Constanța and Bucharest. Starting from April 15, 2022, he is seconded for a period of 3 years within ANABI (ARO and AMO Romania), where he holds the position of Head of the Legal Service. He is a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Law of the University of Bucharest, where he also teaches in the field of Criminal Procedure. eduard.levai@just.ro

João Conde Correia
João Conde Correia is a Senior public prosecutor. PhD in criminal law (University of Coimbra). Published five books, edited another five and wrote several chapters os books and dozens of articles in Portugal and abroad, namely about confiscation law. Participated as a lecturer in several events in Portugal and abroad and collaborated in university teaching. Member of the advisory board of the General Public Prosecutor’s office, of the CARIN network and of the ARO platform.
FIIAPP – Affiliated Entity (SP)
Advisory Board

Elżbieta Hryniewicz-Lach
Elżbieta Hryniewicz-Lach habilitated PhD in legal science, associate professor of criminal law at the Law Faculty of Adam-Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland), attorney at law. Her research interests focus on: various aspects of response to a crime, impact of conviction on third parties and victim status in criminal law. Author of publications in Polish, English and German, in the field of criminal law. Participant in international research projects in criminal law and victimology. Principal Investigator in the international project: Extended confiscation and its justification in light of fundamental rights and general principles of EU law, funded by Polish National Science Center (Project No. 2020/39/D/HS5/01114): https://konfiskata.web.amu.edu.pl/en/

Daniel Nitu
Daniel Nitu is an Associate Professor in Criminal Law at the of the Faculty of Law, Babeş-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca. His area of interest covers both the domestic and the European Criminal Law. Daniel is a member of the Romanian Bar and was part of the special commission within the Ministry of Justice drafting the new Criminal law legislation. He is a trainer for judges, public prosecutors and for lawyers. He is a member of the examination commissions for the promotion as a judge at the Criminal Division of the Supreme Court. Starting 2016, Daniel is the Contact Point for Romania, within ECLAN.

Paulo Pinto de Albuquerque
Paulo Pinto de Albuquerque is a Portuguese judge and Full Professor at Católica | Lisbon School of Law, where he earned his Doctoral Degree in 2003. He was a Visiting Professor at the University of Illinois – School of Law and the Jia Tong University, Shanghai. He has researched and published works in the fields of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law and Regulatory Offences Law. Between 2009 and 2010 he was an expert of the GRECO appointed by the Council of Europe and he was the judge of the European Court of Human Rights in respect of Portugal from April 2011 to March 2020

Teresa Aguado Correa
Senior Lecturer in Criminal Law (University of Seville, Spain). Graduate in Law (Unviersity of Seville, 1993) and Doctor in Law (University of Seville, 1998), with the thesis “The principle of proportionality in criminal law. Special consideration of crimes of abstract danger”. University Expert in Criminology from the University of Malaga (2001). Author of numerous publications on European and Spanish regulation on confiscation, organized crime, seizure, asset recovery, mutual recognition of seizure and confiscation orders, and compensation to victims through asset recovery.

Colin King
Colin King is a Professor at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London. His research primarily focuses on proceeds of crime and anti-money laundering law and practice. He also has research interests in financial crime more generally, particularly corporate crime and the use of deferred prosecution agreements. Colin also conducts research in criminal evidence and criminal justice, particularly in relation to legal responses to organised crime and terrorism. He has received a number of funding awards to support his research.

Till Bettels
Till Bettels studied law at the Freie Universität Berlin and at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. In 2016 he achieved the doctor’s degree in jurisprudence and published his doctor’s thesis on the topic: Confiscation as an instrument to fight organized crime in Italy. 2017 he became appointed public prosecutor and worked at the prosecutor’s office in the district of Offenburg. In 2019 he became appointed judge at the local court of Freiburg, where he works as a criminal judge.

Andra Roxana Trandafir
Andra Roxana Trandafir is an Associate Professor and Vice Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest. She teaches Criminal Liability of Legal Entities, Criminology and Criminal Law. Andra has published numerous books and specialized articles as author or co-author, including the most comprehensive analysis on precautionary measures taken within the criminal trial. She regularly participates in international and national conferences, research projects, as well as training activities for magistrates and lawyers.
Monitoring Board

Valsamis Mitsilegas
He is Professor of European and Global Law and Dean of the School of Law and Social Justice at the University of Liverpool. His research explores the development of and intersection between European and Global Law and their impact on human rights, justice and the rule of law. Professor Mitsilegas has also produced cutting-edge research in the fields of immigration, asylum and borders, security and human rights. He is the author of 9 books and over 150 articles and chapters and the curator of over 20 edited volumes in these fields. He has held a number of visiting positions in leading institutions, and he has been Principal Investigator, Co-Investigator or member of research teams in more than 30 funded research projects.

Michael Kilchling
Michael Kilchling, Dr. Dr. h.c., senior researcher in the Department of Public Law at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law and lecturer at the University of Freiburg. His main research interests include penal sanctions and correctional systems, confiscation and asset recovery, surveillance and further procedural measures of investigation, and a variety of victimological topics. He contributed to a variety of international research projects and expert groups (national, European Union, Council of Europe, US). Further information including a full list of publications is available at www.csl.mpg.de/en/michael-kilchling.

Silvina Bacigalupo
Full Professor of Criminal Law at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Ph. D. in Law, and Law Degree, by the same University, where she teaches Criminal Law and Economic Criminal Law. She has been Visiting Researcher at the Max-Planck-Institut (Freiburg), Visiting Scholar at UC Berkeley, Boalt Hall and Visiting Scholar at Washington Law Center (WLC), American University. She has lectured in several Universities of Latin America (Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Brazil, Colombia, Perú) and Europe (Germany, Italy). She has participated in more than thirty nationals and internationals research projects concerning white-collar crime, anti-corruption enforcement and compliance. She is author of an important number of books on economic criminal law and she has published numerous academic articles in national and international journals. Investigations topics: White Collar Crimes, Criminal Liability of Corporations and Directors, Criminal Liability of CEO’s-Board members; Protection of Financial...